Wednesday 20 June 2012

this is family business.

If you try and tell me this doesn't happen in your house, there's a 95% chance you're lying.

My family mean the WORLD to me. Literally.

No, I'm gonna take that back and say the universe.
This isn't going to be one of them posts that will be like a slap in the face to those who aren't so close with their families, but instead one that shows all of you lot what I have, and maybe, I dunno, inspire the next generation of parents, aunts, uncles and so on.

Another reason for writing this post is because I told my cousins I would mention them in a post. So yeah, this is for you, losers.

I live with both my parents, two sisters, and younger brother. Our personalities clash too too too too much. Arguments can spark from the smallest thing, and when we argue? We bring the house down.
But my family is pretty cool. In fact, we're awesome. The Kelmendi's.

Then there's my cousins, who know me better than anyone else, including my immediate family members.
The amount of crap we say and do is unbelievable. But I do love them loads.

And the most infamous picture of one of my cousins:

                                                                                                       sorry Ladon, hehe.

When watching shows, like Jeremy Kyle show, or other crap like that, I can't help but think to myself, "How the hell did you get your family into a situation like that?"
I tried to see if I could get some screen shots on Google of the ridiculous headlines from that show. Something stupid, like, "My husband is sleeping with our daughter" or "Get your dog to stop sleeping with me in my sleep". You know, that crap. And it's just like, "WHAT THE HELL?"
How on Earth does a family get to that stage? Bloody hell.

Despite not really saying much, let's conclude. I love my family loads, and without them, I don't know what I'd do.
In the words of Kanye West:
"This is family business
And this is for the family that can't be with us"

Yeah, so, uhm, bye.

P.S. Edna Mode, sorry there's hardly any of you here, we don't seem to have that many photos :(


  1. I actually COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING at that photo! hahahahhaha love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
